English Page

We are UnyuRoren

Working to make an attractive transport industry

All Japan Federation of Transport Workers' Unions, Unyu Roren, is an industrial trade union where not only truck transport workers but also those engaging in other transport sectors such as the railway, port, aviation get together. We work to raise the living standard of our members as well as the social status of the transport industry. We have an office in every prefecture, from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the south. We are affiliated with two nationwide organizations: Japanese Trade Union Confederation JTUC-RENGO and Trade Unions of Transport Industries National Council TUT-NC. We are also a member of the International Transport Workers' Federation, ITF.

Our Main Activities

  • Wage increase and improvement in working conditions
    As the transport industry is directly affected by the ongoing recession, truck drivers are not getting decent wages and working conditions proportionate to their work. Since its foundation, Unyu Roren has been campaigning for the wage increase and improvement in working conditions.
  • Job security and counter-restructuring measures
    The current biggest issue is job security. In order to protect the employment of our members and to deal with restructuring, we draw up necessary measures through corporate analysis.
  • Improvement in the working environment
    In order to provide a safe workplace for every worker, we work for the improvement in the working environment in general by focusing on the accident prevention and health management. Establishment of a solid workersユ accident compensation insurance scheme is another important issue.
  • Raising the social status and proposing policies in the industry We negotiate with the government and local authorities on issues such as road management, accident prevention and environment protection. We demand relevant parties in the industry including shippers to set the appropriate transportation charge. We also take actions to make sure that the workers' views are reflected in the industrial policies.

What Unyu Roren can do for you

  • Our fundamental objective is to achieve an annual salary of 7 million yen for all workers. We organize a coordinated campaign in the region for the increase in wages and allowances.
  • You can get information and data. We provide member unions updated information and accurate data. Information is also provided via Internet.
  • You can join education seminars and various meetings. At the education seminar you can study problems in the industry such as those related to working conditions. At
  • various meetings you can meet your colleagues and exchange opinions.
  • You are entitled to join the mutual benefit association, Transport Workers' Insurance Cooperative Unyu Kyosai.

Executive Structure of Unyu Roren




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